Registered cover with mixed franking of QV 6cx2 (250x2) and KEVII 3c (278) tied by COLOMBO/REGISTERED- 16 III 11 d/s to India. TUTICORIN- 17 MA/ 11 tr and RAMACHENDRA- 19 MA 11 arr d/s.
GB, 1907
GB, 1907
Double rate registered cover fw 4c(279), 6c (281) and 12c (282) tied by COLPETTY- MY 22/07 d/s to England. Colombo, London, Manchester tr d/s and BRADFORD- 10 JU/07 arr d/s. Registration etiquette added in London.
Germany, 1907
Germany, 1907
Registerd cover f/w Rs 1.30 (284, 285, 286) tied by COLPETTY- SP 25/ 07 d/s to Germany with HAMBURG- 14 10 07 arr d/s. ( 4 oz rate)
Java, 1904
Java, 1904
Double rate registered cover f/w 40c (267,269,271x2) tied by COLOMBO- SP 5/04 d/s to Java. N. I. AGENT SINGAPORE- 12 9/ 1904 sorting d/s and MEESTER CORNELIS- 16 9/ 1904 arr d/s.
Canada, 1904
Canada, 1904
Double rate registered cover with mixed QV and KEVII franking of 22c tied by COLPETTY- MR 24/04 d/s to Canada.