Registered cover f/w pair of 5d imperf. chestnut (SG5) tied by barred oval cancellation with KANDY/PAID dispatch d/s and COLOMBO/ POST PAID- AU 7/1859 arr d/s. Registered usage indicated by manuscript notations “Registered” and “No. 3405”. The franking corresponds to a 4d postage for a 2 oz letter plus 6d registration fee.
Cover f/w 1d bue (SG2), 8d brown (SG7), 1s slate violet (SG10) tied by oval grids paying the ¾ oz rate to Glasgow. Endorsed Via Marseilles. COLOMBO/ POST PAID- MY 26/ 1860 dispatch and GLASGOW/JN 27/60 arr d/s.
Cover prepaying the 9d, ¼ oz rate fw 1d blue(SG2), 2d green (SG3) and 6d purple brown (SG6) tied by oval grids to Granville, France. Endorsed “via Suez” and GALLE STEAMER LETTER- (SL2, red) dispatch. POSS. ANG. V. SUEZ/MARSEILLES- 12 OCT/60 arrival d/s. The letter was rated 9 apparently due to the absence of a PD marking. PARIS-15 OCT/60, PARIS A CHERBOURG- 15 OCT 60 rail transit and GRANVILLE-16 OCT 60 arr d/s.
Outer folded letter from Colombo to Genoa, Italy with 2s2d double rate (1/2 oz) franking of 2d bistre (SG64), 4d rose carmine (SG65b) and pair of 10d red orange (SG70b) cancelled with “A” obliterators with COLOMBO/PAID- NO 30/69 and red “PD” h/s. POS AN. V. SUEZ- P. AN. A. MARS.- 25 DEC/ 69 Marseilles arrival and GENOA- 27 DEC/69 b/s.
Cover from Galle to Mauritius endorsed “Via Aden” bearing 1d deep blue (Perf 11 ½ x12, SG 45) tied by barred oval obliterator with GALLE/ UNPAID- AP 18/64 d/s. the 1d paid the colonial rate with a blue “4” marking indicating the unpaid British packet postage. “10/To PAY” h/s indicating the amount due on arrival which included the unpaid 4d British packet rate plus the 6d inward sea rate. MAURITIUS- NO 24/64 arr d/s on reverse.
Entire f/w (3) 1d blue (SG61) tied by “B” in barred oval and GALLE/PAID- OC 5/70 dispatch.“FORWARDED BY/JOHN BLACK/GALLE” agent’s catchet with HONG KONG - OC 28/70 b/s. Annotated “per Str Cella” which was a Danish steamer. Manuscript “4” notation indicating additional charges due on delivery for a ship letter.
Cover with 6d paying the 1/2 oz rate to England via SOuthampton. COLOMBO- MR 1/64 dispatch and AP 4/64 b/s. $225
Cover f/w 1s and 1d paying the 1/2 oz rate via Marseilles to England. COLOMBO- MR 9/69 dispatch and LONDON- 3 AP 69 arr d/s. $375
Civer f/w 10d to London via Marseilles. GALLE- AP 18/66 d/s and LONDON- 14 MY 66 arr d/s. $175
Ceylon QV 1/2d 3 all 3 colors listed in SG, dull mauve, reddish lilac and mauve. All unused with no gum. $75
Ceylon QV 1d deep blue (wmk 5), 1d dull blue (WMK 6 reversed), 1d deep blue (WMK6). All unused with no gum. $160
Ceylon QV 2d Ochre (wmk 5 reversed), 2d ochre, bistre and olive bistre (watermark 6), 2d yellow (WMK 6 reversed). Includes all shades listed in SG. All unused with no gum. $325